#puritate (purity) is the third contest we host this year on Instagram. The first two (#stropdeiubire si #setedecarte) have been very welcomed and have surprised us with the creativity shown by the AQUA Carpatica community. It was our pleasure to go through the photos that joined both contests and getting to know you better – you and the creativity that you surprise us with every time.
Purity is a concept around wich the brand AQUA Carpatica has grown and for with this is a unique atribute among the waters of the world: AQUA Carpatica sparkling mineral water is perfectly pure, and the still water is the purest in Romania. We know what purity means and we cherish it, but we are curious to find out what it looks like for you. That is why we are launching a challenge: define the idea of purity in your photos and upload them on Instgram. We will judge the entries by creativity and the impression that they leave on the jury which consists of the marketing department of AQUA Carpatica.
We care deeply for your vision: that is why you have total freedom of expression, just the way you are inspired. You can post as many photos as you like, as long as they follow the given theme.
The rules:
– Become an Instagram follower: aquacarpatica
– Photograph or upload on Instagram using the hashtag #puritate. The photograph must answer the question: How does purity look to you?
– All entries can be followed searching #puritate on Instagram, but also on our Facebook app.
– Only photographs uploaded during the contest (11 – 24 Nov) are being taken into account. Earlier or later entries will not make it into the final.
We are going to choose three winners, each receiving a prize:
First Prize – Evolio Quadra tablet for the best photography,
Second Prize – still/sparkling water for 6 months
Third Prize – still/sparkling water for 3 months
The contest beging on the 11th of November and ends on the 24 of november, the winner will be announced in the 25-29 November interval.
2 comentarii
Puritatea pentru mine, are sigur parfum angelic în buchet, e echivalentul unor atingeri diafane de aripi albe, a zborului liber, are prospeţimea dimineţilor solare şi a petalelor scăldate în rouă, înseamnă vapori de apă condensaţi sub forma albului ireal al norilor, limpezimea, claritatea privirii iubite în momentele de cumpănă ale vieţii, venirea unei ploi de vară după arşiţa prelungită, cu ochii spre senin, un suflet fremătând cu gânduri dospite de speranţă. Puritate înseamnă Aqua Carpatica!
E binevenita gura aceasta de aer curat printre brandurile de apa imbuteliata de la noi. Puritatea din apa are atat de multe semnificatii. apa este baza vietii si limpezimea ei inseamna linistea oamenilor si eliberarea de teama ca nu vor contamina diverse boli, asa cum se intampla cu alte tipuri de apa, mai ales boli de rinichi. puritatea inseamna o ploaie suava de vara, sete potolita cu apa curata, o joaca cu apa intr-o zi torida de vara si bucuria de a ne alimenta mintea, sulfetul, plamanii, intreaga fiinta cu elixirul vietii, fara probleme sau griji.