Spring has come and the season of fresh salads and outdoors exercise, which are part of a healthy lifestyle, is soon to come. As you already know, the water is an important factor in this “healthy diet” and we thought we should remind you why it is so interesting and precious by giving a set of 12 interesting pieces of information:
– In average, 65% of the human body is water. At birth, 80% of babies’ weight is water, a percentage that decreases up to 55% in the elderly.
– A healthy person can drink maximum 48 glasses of water. However do not try that at home
– If you drink too much water you can get “water intoxication”. Water intoxication occurs when the water dilutes the blood sodium and causes an imbalance in the brain liquids. This happens most often to the sportsmen during the strenuous workouts.
– Although the recommended quantity is minimum 8 glasses per day, this quantity can vary depending on the activity, environment and food eaten (soups, water-rich vegetables etc.).
– Sweet drinks, the tea or the coffee, although containing water, they also have caffeine which acts as a light diuretic and prevents the body to absorb water.
– Distilled water (H2O) has a perfectly neutral pH: 7. For the still mineral water it is preferable that the value be minimum 7 or more (to basic).
– Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Wherever it goes through it collects minerals, chemical compounds and nutrients. This is how mineral water appears: passing through rocks charged with minerals.
– Between 70 and 75% of the Earth area is covered with water. Almost the same quantity like the human body. Coincidence?
– Only 1% of the water all around the world is fresh, 30% of the water is under the earth shell, in underground springs.
– The Earth is a closed system, similar to a terrarium, which means it does not lose and does not gain matter or substances (besides meteorites and spaceships :P). The same water existing now on the Earth existed millions of years ago as well.
– In average, an American uses 350 litres of water per day, most of it in the bathroom sanitary facilities…
– When we feel thirsty, the body is already dehydrated by 1%.